Kota factory is one of the best Indian web series of TVF, it was released in 2019 and gain major popularity. The series directed by Raghav Subbu, Starring Jitendra Kumar, Mayur More, Ranjan Raj, Alam Khan, Ahsaas Channa, Revathi Pillai, and Uri Singh. One thing that makes this web series different from other web series, it is the first black and white web series in India.
- Jitendra Kumar as Jeetu Bhaiya
- Mayur More as Vaibhav Pandey
- Rajan Raj as Balmukand Meena
- Alam khan as Uday Gupta
- Ahsaas Channa as Shivangi Rawat
- Revathi Pillai as Vartika Ratawal
- Uri Singh as Meenal Parekh
The web series shows the life of Vaibhav who comes to Kota for preparing for the IIT JEE entrance exam. He goes to Maheshwari classes to get admission, but he does not get admission then he joins Prodigy classes for IIT JEE preparation. There he meets Meena and Uday, they also preparing for the IIT JEE exam. Meena always helps him in his study. when classes start, he meets Jeetu Bhaiya (Jitendra ). Jeetu bhaiya is a physics teacher in Prodigy classes. He does not only teach but also solve the personal problems of the students and guide them. Vaibhav maintains himself in the Kota environment. Later he meets Vartika during board practical and both tie-up for IIT JEE preparation. Vaibhav and Vartika both like each other but they hesitate to express their feelings. Vartika applied for the Maheshwari classes entrance exam to get admission to Maheshwari classes then Vaibhav also fills the entrance exam form. Unfortunately, Vaibhav clears the Maheshwari classes entrance exam, but Vartika can't clear the exam. Finally, Vaibhav join Mahaheshwari classes for IIT JEE preparation.
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